Thursday, June 17, 2010

Adding Background Wallpaper on your Pendrive

Today I leaned How to Place Background Picture for your Pendrive.It's Very Simple.See I have Placed a Background Picture of my Friends for my Pendrive.I would like to share this With you..

Just Copy the below code to notepad,then save it as "desktop.ini"


VeBRA sources - don't delete the tag above, it's there for XXXXX purposes -


1. Where "YourPictureName.jpg" is, delete that and replace with your picture name for example "superman.gif"
2. Put "desktop.ini" and your chosen picture in yourUSB Drive then Hidden it.
3. Refresh and Enjoy with your new background.
4.You can also try on C,D,E F drives.(I have Already Posted How to Place Background Picture for your Drives in Top 10 ways to Tweak your Windows Xp)

Increasing the internet speed

QoS Packet Scheduler is a method of network bandwidth management that can monitor the importance of data packets and depending upon the priority of the packet, give it higher or lower priority or bandwidth levels. It's not very useful unless you're using apps which are QoS-aware or running a server, so you can gain some network overhead back by turning it off.

Note: This following tip will not work on XP Home Edition.
Make sure you're logged on as actually "Administrator". Do not log on with any account that just has administrator privileges.
Start > Run > type gpedit.msc (not available in home version).
Expand the Local Computer Policy branch.
Expand the Administrative Templates branch.
Expand the Network branch.
Highlight the "QoS Packet Scheduler" in left window.
In right window double click the "limit reservable bandwidth" setting.
On setting tab check the ENABLED item.
Where it says "Bandwidth limit %" change it to read 0 (ZERO).
Close gpedit.msc.

Effect is immediate on some systems, some need to re-boot.

This tip is designed for increased BROADBAND speed in Windows XP, but it should work for 56k modems too.